Richard J. Gering, CLP
Richard J. Gering provides consulting and expert witness services to clients with an emphasis on economic analysis and damages in complex commercial disputes and all forms of intellectual property – copyright, patents, trademark, trade secrets and trade dress. Economic consulting in intellectual property matters include commercial success, lost profits, reasonable royalty, price erosion, convoyed sales and EMVR. He has testified in arbitrations, depositions and Federal Court. Richard has been published in the field of economic damages and valuation of intellectual property and has taught economic damages and strategy at the Villanova University School of Law. Richard's employment experience includes Big Four and regional accounting firms.
Richard has a Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Business Administration (1980) and an Honors in Economics (1981) from the University of Natal Durban in South Africa and a MA in Economics (1986) from the University of Maryland, College Park where he was a PhD candidate and completed all requirements except for his dissertation. He is a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP). His education has been supplemented by various continuing education courses offered by a variety of professional organizations. He has spoken before professional and educational groups on various aspects of intellectual property, economic damages and valuation. Richard's full CV & Rule 26 Disclosures are available upon request.