Are you prepared to respond to the ever-changing healthcare marketplace?
The pace of developments in the healthcare sector demands constant monitoring. The financial implications of new FDA rules must be analyzed. Deals fall apart, impacting valuations. An entire segment of an industry can be targeted for litigation, triggering the need for damage determinations. The viability of an evolving business model may require closer scrutiny.
If your healthcare matter requires a financial consultant, Asterion’s experienced professionals may be able to assist you.
Does your most valuable asset need attention?
Several recent actions highlight the need for vigilant enforcement of licenses and collection of royalties in order to maximize the profitability of intellectual property. Even in the midst of a dispute, royalty payments cannot be withheld, as Haven Beauty learned in its dispute with the Kardashians. Artist Lili Chin is facing a more difficult situation. Her federal suit alleges that the Creative Commons license for her Doggie Drawings has been used for commercial purposes. Software patent holders may be in the worst position of all. A recent decision from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit holds that software patents are out of bounds of Section 101.
The professionals at Asterion have extensive intellectual property experience. If you need assistance with a licensing or royalty matter, consider contacting us.
On the Lighter Side: Are you tired of pumpkin spice already?
You’ll still be able to enjoy that slice of pumpkin pie—the filling isn’t really pumpkin.
The Thread Recommends: Skipping breakfast and cultivating a sense of humor if you want to live longer.
Spotlight on Healthcare Valuation & Consulting
Asterion, Inc. (“Asterion”) has extensive experience providing consulting and valuation advice to the healthcare industry.