Lost Lives, Lost Earnings

The 2016 fire in the Ghost Ship, a converted warehouse in Oakland, was a calamity. Although continuing to deny liability, the California city has reached a settlement. More than $32 million will be disbursed to the families of those who died, as well as to a survivor who suffered life-altering injuries.

The experts at Asterion are experienced in making lost earnings calculations. Whether you represent an injured party and need to determine proper damages; or, assuming liability, you need to assess the reasonableness of an injured party’s demand, Asterion can help.

IP Always Matters

We won’t talk about the Washington Football Team, who dropped the IP ball with respect to several potential new names. Instead, we’ll focus on the efforts of companies and individuals who are vigilant in defending the value of their IP. Instacart is suing Cornershop, Uber’s new grocery delivery service, alleging theft of intellectual property. Tesla has alleged that competitor Rivian has stolen trade secrets. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is suing YouTube for allowing an alleged bitcoin scam to use his name and image.

IP claims may seem as frivolous as German chocolate maker Ritter Sport’s protection of the square shape of its’ candy bars, or as urgent as a patent dispute that could impact the timely development of a covid-19 vaccine. The importance of intellectual property should never be overlooked.

If you need assistance to analyze the financial implications of your IP or to assess a claimed breach of IP rights, consider contacting the experts at Asterion.


Did your IPhone’s battery capacity diminish rapidly in the recent past? See if you qualify for a reimbursement from settlement funds.


Trends We’re Watching

Workers v AI

UK drivers have sued Uber to find out how the company’s algorithm works. Also, a recent report indicates robots have been put to work in 195 settings due to the pandemic.

On the Lighter Side: It’s still National Ice Cream Month

You can now buy Ben & Jerry’s ice cream online and have it delivered; or use their recipe to make edible cookie dough at home. Perhaps you would prefer to try one of Philadelphia’s newest flavors, rose gold ice cream from Vannah Banana. 

View the best astronomy photo finalists for 2020.

What’s Puzzling Us 

We thought serious fans of John Wick would be smarter.

Lay’s Potato Chips has introduced a new flavor inspired by Geno’s Steaks.

What Doesn’t Surprise Us At All

Between March and June, while ice cream sales rose, deodorant and shampoo sales dropped. 

Thread Recommendations

Old secrets may be revealed if you spend time in the virtual stacks of the CIA’s FOIA Reading Room.

Today in history, Hoover called in the troops against WWI veterans camped in Washington, DC.

 What to Watch

Find new windows on the world.

Spotlight on Lost Earnings ClaimsAsterion, Inc. has experience in the quantification of economic damages sustained by businesses, individuals and families who have suffered lost earnings resulting from tort and contractual claims, including personal injury, wrongful death and wrongful termination.

July 28, 2020