Don’t forget to check the horizon

Despite a positive stock market, some sectors of the economy and individual companies are showing signs of trouble. A few business executives were caught manipulating earnings to maintain their stock’s price. Other companies are facing pending litigation, changing demand, or the need to strategically alter current plans to improve profitability.

The professionals at Asterion can help you meet challenges like these, or assist in implementing financial strategies that maximize recovery efforts if a customer files bankruptcy or shows signs of weakness.

If your business is facing a transition, how will you prepare?

Ownership disputes can arise unexpectedly, even in the midst of successful partnerships. A recent example is the joint venture between Amgen and Novartis. Together, the companies brought a profitable migraine drug to market, but now the relationship is caught up in litigation. But even what was once a commonplace tradition of handing down the family farm is no longer a straightforward transaction. 

Whether you are struggling with your fellow owners or need to determine how best to transition your business or exit it completely, Asterion can help.


Where you live impacts whether you’ll be audited. 


Trends We’re Watching

What will happen to patient information now that Alexa is HIPAA compliant?

On the Lighter Side 

The Bias Blind Spot has been confirmed. Everyone IS more biased than you about everything, from breakfast cereal rankings to the new, limited edition Broad Street Hoagie, a Federal Donut/Wawa collaboration.
The Thread’s Recommendations:

Check out the results of The Piglet’s 2019 cookbook bracketology if you like to cook at home; consult the late Anthony Bourdain’s favorite travel site for city guides if you like traveling for a good meal; or ponder the art work in old horticultural patents if you are on a diet.

  Spotlight on Forensic Bankruptcy

Asterion, Inc. has extensive experience providing consulting services to parties in interest in bankruptcy proceedings. 

April 9, 2019